CBD Oil for Dogs

Some people really love their dog(s) very much, so much that they even buy matching clothes for them, take them on luxury trips and book spa visits for them.
So it’s not surprising that CBD oil has become a supplement for dogs. It is generally believed that CBD can reduce pain and inflammation in humans, and so many people have started applying CBD oil to their dogs as well.
But is it safe, or is it just hype? Since CBD is being promoted all over the internet as the next miracle cure, we thought it appropriate to do some research on what veterinarians think about the application of CBD oil for dogs.
The working of CBD Oil in people AND dogs
CBD works with the endocannabinoid system. Every mammal, including dogs, has this system in their bodies. As part of the nervous system, the endocannabinoid system acts as a network that uses cannabinoids to send messages from the brain to the rest of the body.
Cannabinoids are the special neurotransmitters that send or “transmit” messages from neurons to their specific receptors distributed throughout the body.
In this article we are going to talk about two types of cannabinoids: endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids.
Endocannabinoids are the body’s natural neurotransmitters, and phytocannabinoids come from plants. Phyto is Greek for the word “plant,” or CBD in this case.
How CBD Oil reduces pain for dogs
Imagine ww dog has a condition that causes pain. One theory for what happens is that the neurons at the site of pain register a problem and thus send pain signals to the animal’s brain to indicate that something is wrong.
It is thought that applying CBD drops can reduce pain in dogs by means of sending neurotransmitters to their specific receptors. After receiving the message, the body begins to work to reduce the pain.
In a recent study, Mark Verdino, a medical doctor and chief of veterinary staff at North Shore Animal League America, makes some interesting observations related to the application of CBD to pets. When he uses CBD himself on his slightly older dog, he claims that the substance helps his pet unwind.
“At night when the lights are dimmed and it’s dark outside, he gets a little skittish,” Dr. Verdino said. “When I give him CBD, he just seems to fall asleep.”
Verdino is one of many veterinarians researching the use of CBD on pets. Stephen Cital, co-founder of the Veterinary CBD Academy, is also a veterinarian who is heavily involved in this topic. Dr. Cital promotes the application of CBD to dogs and recommends therapeutic dosages between twice 0.1 to 2mg/kg per day, and even up to twice 5mg/kg per day in some cases.
Dog diseases that can be treated with CBD Oil
The following diseases that both humans and dogs can get can be improved with CBD use:

CBD is said to have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Since many diseases lead to painful inflammation, CBD use has been associated with reduction of that inflammation, pain and dysfunction. Check out more information on CBD oil at Readers Digest.
Many animals experience symptoms of anxiety due to fear, stimuli and instability in their environment. Human studies of CBD have shown reduced feelings of anxiety and panic through the compound’s action on GABA receptors that promote relaxation and reduced muscle tension.
Chronic Pain for Dogs
Many people take CBD as a pain fighter for medical complaints associated with osteoarthritis, muscle pain and other pain-causing conditions. Studies that documented the positive effects of CBD have shown the effectiveness of CBD, with recommendations for further research. Because of these findings, some pet owners have administered CBD to their dogs with positive results.
Picking the Best CBD Oil for Your Dog
When it comes to picking out the best CBD products for their dog, some people choose to administer the oil or put it in a dog treat. Since CBD is in many human food products, some others may be tempted to share it with their pets, but this is not a good idea, according to Dr. Verdino.